Scholarship Info
Compass Homeschool Co-op
Scholarship Request Form
We realize that financial hardships can make payment of semester membership tuition difficult for some families.
While we would love to help every family that applies for assistance, we are limited on the amount of money we can give as well as the number of scholarships that we are able to offer.
CHC requires a completed scholarship form from each applicant. Upon prayerful review of those applications,a limited number of full and partial scholarships are awarded at their discretion. All applications are held in the strictest confidence.
You must request membership first by clicking "join" above. If we have room for your family, you will be accepted and will have access to the scholarship form. Upon submission of the form, you will be notified when a decision has been reached. Please note we may limit the amount of scholarships a family receives from Compass. Priority consideration is given to returning member families.
Thank you for taking the time to share your need with us!